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Case Study: Regional Manager Candidate Profile

The company was seeking to replace a regional manager upon the retirement of the existing senior leader. In the past, this position had been filled with a variety of personality types as well as levels of experience. The results had been unimpressive and they were now committed to placing “an ideal candidate.” In an effort to understand and define the ideal, it was decided to incorporate the opinions and information of a diverse group of employees within the company.

Strategy: An internal market research study was undertaken.

Three different groups of people were included, from junior to senior levels of management.

Respondents were guaranteed anonymity and encouraged to speak freely about what they sought in associates in a management position.

This confidential forum resulted in definitions of Must-Have, Nice To Have, and Hopefully Does Not Have, qualities.

Outcome: The resulting report highlighted the profile of the position to be filled and also enabled the Human Resources team to develop a baseline Employee Profile for general hiring practices.

For the specific position, the company took into consideration the guidance and hired a candidate who, thus far, has proven successful.  The company has communicated great appreciation for the ongoing tools delivered from this analysis.

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